Paint the Town REaD

Paint the Town REaD wins ZEST Awards

Two of our Paint the Town REaD teams, in Auburn and Penrith, took out two of the 2012 ZEST awards. These are service awards for the greater Western Sydney community sector.

The Auburn group, led by Himali Wettasinghe, won the Outstanding Project in a CALD Group/Organisation award.

The Penrith group, led by Julie Jasprizza-Laus, won the Exceptional Partnership Project award.

We were particularly pleased that that these were the only awards recognising community work benefitting young children.

To see pictures of the event, and more information, go to the ZEST website.

Paint the Town REaD on Radio National

On Australia Day 2012, Life Matters on ABC Australia’s Radio National covered the National Year of Reading.

Himali Wettasinghe, from Auburn Paint the Town REaD, fielded questions from Natasha Mitchell.

To hear Himali, go to the Life Matters website, start at 36:40 in the audio’s timeline and listen through to 45:05.

Himali is the Family Services Manager at Auburn Diversity Services.

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