Congrats, Paint Penrith REaD!
Today Paint Penrith REaD launched a new book for babies: Rooby’s Counting Book. The event, like so many PTTR events across Australia, epitomised everything that is important about PTTR.
- A collaborative partnership — between Mission Australia, Penrith City Council, a local business Featherdale Wildlife Park, and a local graphic designer, to name just a few.
- Senior managers committed to supporting grass roots workers and volunteers getting the message about REaD from Birth out into the community.
- Whole families invited. All activities reading, singing, drawing, looking at animals, focused around children.
- Children loving their PTTR mascot — Rooby Roo — and knowing what Rooby loves to do best of all — reading.
- Sustainability: being there for the long haul. In Penrith’s case, now over 10 years.
- A clear message: ‘Spread the word. Reading is important from Day 1!’
Rooby Roo has a special message for children who read and sing everyday. Well done! You are growing your brain. A big thank you to all family members who make time to read and sing with little ones. You are making a big difference in their lives.