
Congrats, Paint Penrith REaD!

Today Paint Penrith REaD launched a new book for babies: Rooby’s Counting Book. The event, like so many PTTR events across Australia, epitomised everything that is important about PTTR.

  • A collaborative partnership — between Mission Australia, Penrith City Council, a local business Featherdale Wildlife Park, and a local graphic designer, to name just a few.
  • Senior managers committed to supporting grass roots workers and volunteers getting the message about REaD from Birth out into the community.
  • Whole families invited. All activities reading, singing, drawing, looking at animals, focused around children.
  • Children loving their PTTR mascot — Rooby Roo — and knowing what Rooby loves to do best of all — reading.
  • Sustainability: being there for the long haul. In Penrith’s case, now over 10 years.
  • A clear message: ‘Spread the word. Reading is important from Day 1!’

Rooby Roo has a special message for children who read and sing everyday. Well done! You are growing your brain. A big thank you to all family members who make time to read and sing with little ones. You are making a big difference in their lives.

NAIDOC Week 2022

From Noongar lands to Dharawal sands

From Dharumbal seas to a Palawa breeze

We Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up! with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders this NAIDOC Week – and always.

Want to invest in a long term outcome?

If so, we’d love you to donate to Paint the Town REaD in this financial year!

It’s as easy as. Just go to our Justgiving Page. As a registered charity, any gifts over $2 are tax deductible.

Helping prepare a child to be ready for learning at school takes patience and time. But it is critical for how well they will learn to read and write, matriculate and move into adult life.

You may not see the outcomes in your lifetime, but the children you help today will.

Books for Bedtime

PTTR is thrilled to partner with the Readings Foundation to deliver this project with thirty early childhood services in Victoria within our PTTR communities.

Thank you Readings Foundation for your generosity.

Follow us on facebook to watch the progress of this great project!

PTTR wishes you all a Speedee REaDee Jingle Jangle Christmas!

Thank you everyone who has been part of the 2021 journey with us.

Children’s lives have been changed for the better through you, as you shared with them the love of books and reading.

So as a way of saying thank you – here are two activities you can do with your children and/or grandchildren/nieces/nephews/neighbours this week – as well as reading with them of course!

A Christmas Card to colour in and give to someone they love. A tangram puzzle to complete.

A tangram puzzle
Colour in this Christmas Card and give to someone you love!

‘Official’ Launch of Friendship Agreement between Goodstart WA and PTTR

Although signed off earlier this year, COVID (or course!) has stopped us getting together in person – so we met over a ZOOM call today.

Needless to say lack of an official launch has not stopped Goodstart WA services and WA PTTR members working together, firstly with Decoration Packs for Goodstart Services, reading visits and a partnership with Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library and UWWA.

Watch this space for what the partnership will create in 2022!

Pictured right to left:
Top row: Justine Roberts (WA PTTR Coordinator), Jo Brown (Performance Excellence Leader Goodstart WA),
Barbie Bates (Executive Director PTTR)
Bottom row: Todd Dawson (State Manager Goodstart WA) Andrea Folkard (Paint Wannaroo REaD)

New position for PTTR!

We are thrilled that we have been supported by the Waratah Education Foundation Ltd to employ a NSW Coordinator for two years.

We look forward in the coming weeks to introduce our new colleague to you.

Did you hear what I said? Paint Wednesday REaD!

Yesterday marked the launch of our latest REaD and Sing with Me at Home campaign, particularly for our communities who are in lockdown. We are celebrating reading and singing at home especially on Wednesdays.

Check out your local PTTR facebook pages – and share with your friends – to see what is happening in your local community.

Here are some:@Paint Inner West Read, @Paint Liverpool Read, @Paint Mt Druitt with Rooby Roo, @Paint Canterbury Read, @All Areas Family Day Care, @Paint the Gong Read, @Paint the Town REaD

For those of us in lockdown (or not!) Wednesday is the day to spend lots of time with our children reading and singing.


Paint the Swan’s recently released book has lots of great ideas of how families living in the Swan Valley survived last year – including chalk drawing on driveways, reading with their pets and baby brothers and sisters, paper mâché, making treats with dad, creative craft and music, writing letters and posting drawings to friends and grandparents..

Heal our Country!

Paint the Town REaD, Black and Yellow Celebrates!

Celebrating NAIDOC Week this year will be very different across our great land – as our PTTRB&Y (including PTTR) communities will celebrate according to COVID requirements.

We aim is to help close the early literacy gap for our First Nations children – led by local Elders.

This week especially we wish to acknowledge their eons of wisdom, love and commitment to their children, communities and land.

Paint the Town REaD logo Paint the Town REaD ladybird Book Paint the Town REaD Ladybird body back Ladybird body front