Let’s all read with babies from birthso they’re ready to learn at school

Let’s all read, talk, sing and rhyme with children from birth

Grounded In Truth

Grounded in Truth – Walk Together with Courage.

The theme for this year’s Reconciliation Week resonates through us here at PTTR as we remember with gratitude the wise, beautiful and heartfelt Welcomes to Country that we have received from Aboriginal Elders as we travelled on the Paint Australia REaD Book Relay from Perth to the Pacific, these last couple of months. From Auntie Marie in Noongar Country to Aunty Lorraine in Dharawal Country, and the many Elders in between, we have been blessed by your truth and your courage. Thank you so much.

Two New PTTR Communities

54 days of the Paint Australia REaD Book Relay have passed in a whirl of excitement and invitation, children’s delighted faces as they enjoy reading together and meeting new communities keen to work together to give their children a better start in life .

This week, the Relay team was present for the hatching of two new mascots…two new communities that have chosen to take the Paint the Town REaD pathway to increase the literacy levels amongst their children. Welcome Dhinawan the Emu for Lightning Ridge NSW, and Gracie Guy-a-wan the Shark for Taree NSW. Both mascots have been chosen by local Elders. As totems of Gamileroi and Biripi nations respectively, these mascots will be front and central, in supporting children to be introduced to the love of reading from birth.

Dhinawan, the baby emu hatches at an early morning community gathering in Lightning Ridge this week.

Thank you Dymocks

As we head off on Stage 2 of the Paint Australia REaD Book Relay, from Adelaide to Wollongong via rural and urban SA, Victoria and NSW we take with us $10,000 worth of books donated by Dymocks Children’s Charity for distribution to local communities, especially in the bush. A number of the books have also headed west to WA and remote SA.

It is through people like Dymocks and generous local communities that we are building the Relay Book which will capture how across Australia we value and celebrate our babies and young children by reading with them from birth so that they will be ready for learning at school. Please keep following the Relay on our Facebook page – Paint the Town REaD.

Thank you Perth for a terrific Conference

Our 7th National Early Literacy Conference was an outstanding success, starting with a PreConference Symposium on 20 March lead by Curtin University early literacy experts, A/Prof Suze Leitao, Dr Mary Claessen and Dr Mark Boyes with Dyslexia Speld’s Mandy Nayton.

That was followed by a WA State Parliament Reception, hosted by the Hon Janine  Freeman, with the Hon David Templeman theatrically launching the Paint Australia REaD Book Relay.

The Conference ‘proper’ got underway the following day, with Aunty Marie Taylor Welcoming us so warmly to Country, and WA’s Governor Kim Beasley opening the Conference. Dr Bret Hart, Colin Pettit – WA Commissioner for Children and Young People, Greg Mitchell and Barbie Bates were ‘just what the Doctor ordered’ for Keynote speakers.

And Workshops led by experts from around the country, kept delegates inspired and involved.

No sooner than the Conference finished, did the Relay begin. After a week in the SW and Perth, it is now heading east. Keep track of it on Facebook – Paint the Town REaD!

One week to go!

Wednesday week, 20 March, we kick off the 7th National Early Literacy Conference with a special 2-hour symposium presented by @Curtin University and @dyslexiaspeld.

Dr Mark Boyes will be discussing new socio-emotional research into the development and impact of language and literacy difficulties in children and adolescents. While DSF will present on some incredible work they have done addressing phonological awareness in local languages.

So register now! It would be great to see you there.

Have you registered yet?

Have you registered yet for the 7th National Early Literacy Conference?

Don’t miss the chance to hear from the Commissioner for Children and Young People WA, Colin Pettit.

The Commissioner will outline the work of his office in consulting with thousands of WA children and young people on issues affecting their wellbeing and how the views of the children themselves should be used to inform and challenge current thinking on factors that influence vulnerability.

7th National Early Literacy Conference
March 20 to 22
The Esplanade Hotel
Fremantle, WA

Get your tickets now!

Young children smiling on conference poster

40% off every second Conference registration now available!

To help organisations and local Paint the Town REaD groups to send more delegates — and so increase the learning and fun — we are now offering a 40% discount for the second person from each of these groups. Brilliant!

You will find the discount offer on the Select Tickets section as you register on Eventbrite.

Note that this offer applies to every second registrant from a group. So you can book two, or four, or six, or eight attendees and every second one can take advantage of this offer.

Exclusions: Already subsidised or sponsorship funded positions

Six weeks to go!

Our National Early Literacy Conference is getting closer!

We can’t wait to hear from Julia Orlowski from @CharlesSturtLibraries in SA talk about encouraging children to read, write & create.

Using The Mayoral Make-a-Book Literacy Challenge as a case study, Julia’s workshop will share ideas on how to engage preschool children, families and educators in capturing and publishing their own books to share with others.

Register now: https://bit.ly/2R4ir9d

WA Governor to open 2019 National Conference

We are thrilled that the Honourable Kim Beasley AC, Governor of Western Australia, will be opening our 7th national early literacy conference on Thursday 21 March 2019, following Marie Taylor’s Welcome to Country.

Register now for this innovative, research based (and fun) conference.

The theme for this year’s conference is Books and Bonding Builds Brains — it’s what the Doctor orders.

Seasons Greetings and thank you!

Thank you to the 1000s of people across Australia who have grown the PTTR movement through 2018 – Aboriginal Elders who lead their local PTTRB&Y communities, volunteer readers in shopping centres, emergency services staff and local businesses who take the time to share books and stories with children, librarians, primary and high school students who read to their baby brothers and sisters, child and family workers who incorporate early literacy into everything they do, the incredible PTTR local co-ordinators who somehow find the time to do amazing things, generous probono  workers like Lifeline who have supplied us with over 1000 books this year, Good360 and Men Sheds, the AMP Foundation, the Vincent Fairfax Family Foundation, PRRR and many more. You have all helped a child discover the thrill of books and language.

A4 Christmas bookmarks 2018

Paint the Town REaD logo Paint the Town REaD ladybird Book Paint the Town REaD Ladybird body back Ladybird body front